Intro to Week 1 (FREE PREVIEW)

Welcome! The theme for the week is paradigm shifts.

For those who have taken courses with me you may remember discussing the importance of understanding paradigm shifts whenever we want to make changes in our lives. It's imperative to realize that no matter where we are today, we can be at a completely different place tomorrow! No matter what our understanding is at this time, we know that we can gain understanding of new truths and new ideas and make the changes that we desire. The purpose of this program is to help us all to first draw closer to the Savior, to gain a better understanding of our purpose here, and how to best meet our goals and grow as our Father in Heaven desires. And we will learn some really great energy technique along the way.

At least 45% of what we do each day is based on habits that we have formed over the years. Many of the habits came from our coping mechanisms or non-intentional actions that help us to just get through each day. While there are times where BIG changes are needed, making small changes that are consistent and manageable are better than trying to make big changes that are not sustainable.

It's time to assess what areas you can tweak to become more productive and allow you to live more intentionally and mindfully. As you review each day's coursework, make sure to note anything that comes to mind of things that you can put aside, or ways to be more aware of what you are doing each day, so that you can own each action as an intentional step towards meeting your goals and creating your own success and happiness, day to day.

I don't want you to stress over choosing your goals at this point in the program. As we work in your private sessions, we will be able to determine together, what direction and focus you should consider. For now, BREATHE, and know that you will feel rewarded as you draw closer to the Spirit of God, and learn those things that you are meant to learn at this time in your life.

As you spend the first week or so and you have your first private session, you will feel more confident in the goals you create for this program. Take the time to ponder each of the content modules, and learn to turn your thoughts inward and explore how the words and ideas make you feel. Be open to new ideas, new direction, and new information.

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